Strong evidence shows that children who attend top-quality Pre-K programs are not only better prepared for Kindergarten but enjoy academic and social benefits that can last into adulthood. A recent study by the Learning Policy Institute showed that when compared to children who did not attend preschool, children who attend a Pre-K program are:
Less likely to be identified as having special learning needs or help in school
Better prepared for a structured school day
More grounded in math and literacy skills
To ensure that all children have an opportunity to attend preschool, Florida offers Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK), a free Pre-K program for 4- and 5-year-olds. Studies have shown that the most critical time in a child's brain development is before Kindergarten. All-day and after school programs run by an accredited preschool like Kids' R’ Kids Learning Academy in Lithia, Florida, help strengthen the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional skills of children while keeping them safe.
Top Benefits of Preschool
Florida started VPK in 2015 to help prepare children for Kindergarten and put them on the path towards academic success. Studies show that structured learning from all-day and after school, preschool programs results in:
Kindergarten-readiness and academic success
Research demonstrates that children who attend a high-quality, curriculum-based preschool are:
More likely to score higher in reading and math
More likely to graduate from high school and find employment
Less likely to have substance abuse issues or get arrested
Social and emotional development
Pre-K programs encourage emotional and social growth by teaching children to:
Share and take turns
Self-regulate emotions
Demonstrate empathy
Physical health
Through play-based learning, preschools help children develop fine motor skills and full-body movement, which results in:
Improved coordination and balance
Enhanced ability to write, type, and draw
Understanding of the role exercise and nutrition play in a healthy lifestyle
How to Participate in VPK and other FAQs
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about VPK:
Who is eligible? Children who are 4 years old before September 1
Who provides VPK services? Families can choose a local provider like Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy in Lithia, FL, or find one through the VPK directory
How many hours a day is a VPK program? A child can attend a maximum of 540 hours annually, and many providers offer flexible schedules, including before and after school programs
What is the cost? The VPK program is free, but providers might charge for additional childcare services
How do I register? Register for VPK here and then present your certificate of eligibility to a VPK preschool provider
Looking for a VPK Preschool in Lithia, FL?
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy in Lithia, FL, is a VPK provider that offers students much more than a daycare or after school care program. Its Pre-K program is designed to encourage academic, physical, and emotional growth through curriculum-based play and activities.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy, located at 5815 Kids Crossing Dr., Lithia, FL 33547, has a strong history of satisfying parents by preparing their children for Kindergarten and future academic success.
Family-owned and operated, Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy offers a nurturing and safe environment that provides:
Online video monitoring of the child’s classroom
Creative and fun accredited learning programs
Nutritious snacks and meals prepared on-site
Gated playgrounds
Flexible drop-off and pick-up hours
Interested parents should call Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy today at 813-654-7000 or contact them online to schedule a visit.
At Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk, the most cherished principle is “Hug First, Then Teach.” This principle defines every aspect of the administration, staff, and teachers.
The whole child approach to learning is unlike many daycare centers or preschools. Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk works to strengthen and encourage every child’s emotional, intellectual, social, and physical well-being through the expertise of the childcare providers and a unique partnership with parents. The key to success at theeducational preschoolis a family-oriented staff dedicated to providing a secure, nurturing environment.
Sign Language: A Powerful Tool in the Whole Child Approach
One of the most powerful tools at the disposal of the Kids ‘R’ Kids teachers is sign language. According to education specialist Dr. Claire Vallotton inSigning with Babies and Children, “There are many benefits of using signs with students – from as young as preverbal infants, to those in early elementary, all the way to adult students who struggle with reading or those who are learning a new language. Research has also shown benefits for children with special needs including dyslexia, language impairments, Down syndrome, and Autism Spectrum Disorders, as well as for both hearing and deaf children in an inclusive education environment. Thus signs can be used to enhance education for learners of a wide range of ages and abilities. The benefits of signing are not just for the students, but for teachers, too. When children can communicate more clearly, teachers can respond to them more easily, and teachers feel more competent in their own work. In the last three decades, we’ve witnessed an amazing partnership between families, teachers, and researchers. This partnership created the impetus for the early research and the momentum for studies that followed. As we move into the future, our work will continue, fed by breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology which will lead to even more exciting discoveries about how signing influences human interactions and learning.”
Sign Language Facts
According to the University of Vermont, “American Sign Language (ASL) is a complete, complex language that employs signs made with the hands and other movements, including facial expressions and postures of the body.”
American Sign Language (ASL) is classified as a world language like French or Spanish. Therefore, children who know American Sign Language are considered bilingual.
250,000 to 500,000 people, including the children of deaf parents, use sign language.
Sign language and finger spelling accommodate several learning styles, including kinesthetic, interpersonal, and verbal-linguistic.
The formal and informal use of sign language strengthens the memory by communicating information through multiple pathways, including seeing, hearing, and movement.
Learning ASL, in conjunction with a spoken language, utilizes both sides of the brain, which increases brain stimulation while enhancing memory and strengthening recall.
Recognizing that American Sign Language and deaf culture are legitimate fields of study, colleges and universities are beginning to accept ASL for foreign language entrance and exit requirements.
“Home sign” is a highly individualized and very complex form of sign language used by hearing families with deaf children.
The Gallaudet Dictionary of the American Sign Language has over 3,000 illustrated entries.
Infant and Toddler Developmental Facts
Months six through seven: Infants can recognize and remember a sign
Month eight: Babies start signing single words and imitating gestures
Two years old: Children can sign compound words and full sentences
Early exposure to signing aids infants in the development of language and reasoning skills. Infants without sign language skills are limited to crying as the only means to communicate their needs. Babies who sign are learning how to communicate with words and simple phrases.
Benefits of Learning and Using Sign Language
Accelerates speech development in infants
Decreases frustration in young children by giving them a way to express themselves before they know how to talk
Strengthens parent-child bonding
Empowers babies to communicate vital information such as pain and hunger
Improves self-confidence and self-esteem
Lowers the frequency of anger due to an inability to communicate
Cognitive Benefits of Sign Language
Elevates IQ by twelve points
Reinforces the mastery of educational concepts such as ABC’s, animals, and other specific themes
Helps children remember words through muscle memory involvement
Sharpens attentiveness to social gestures of others as well as of themselves
Enlarges the verbal vocabulary
Enables the formation of longer, more complex sentences
Encourages reading and creates a larger reading vocabulary
Raises grades in school
Improves scores on standardized testing in younger children by 17% over children who do not know ASL
Parents and caregivers of hearing children are becoming more aware of the wide-ranging benefits of teaching their children sign language. Parents can reinforce the signing their children learn at the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk by using sign language in the home and in life. The practice of teaching sign language to children who can hear will continue to expand because of the many benefits everyone enjoys when they use it, especially when communicating with someone who is deaf.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk strives to create an environment in which every child feels safe, loved, and inspired. Thepreschool learning centeris committed to providing a solid educational foundation, well-trained teachers, and a secure environment where children can flourish intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically.
To learn more about theCirca FishHawk, FL, preschool, contact Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk by phone at (813) 654-7000.
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Parents want what is best for their children, particularly when deciding on childcare and early childhood education options. One typical decision parents often make is whether to send their children to preschool or daycare. When considering the options, it is helpful to understand the distinctions between preschool and daycare so that parents can make the best choice for their child.
Often, people use the words “preschool” and “daycare” interchangeably. While there is occasionally some overlap, preschool and daycare generally have a different approach and offer different services to parents and children.
Education vs. Supervision
Fundamentally, the difference between preschool and daycare is a focus on education. Preschool programs are designed to prepare children for the formal school environment and introduce them to basic educational concepts, such as numbers, shapes, and letters. In addition, art, games, and other fun activities are incorporated into the preschool experience. Because preschools serve to introduce young children to a program that resembles the primary school schedule, preschool tends to be more structured and organized.
Daycare, on the other hand, takes more of a supervisory approach. Daycares mainly offer childcare services while the parent or guardian of the child is away at work or taking care of other commitments. Rather than intentionally preparing children for school, daycare focuses on meeting the basic needs of children. Activities such as playtime, mealtime, naptime, and TV time make up a large part of the daycare experience. Although the emphasis at daycare is not primarily educational, some daycares offer learning opportunities and academic curriculum.
Hours of Operation
Because preschools are focused on teaching early learners as opposed to simply providing childcare services, they operate within fewer hours than do daycares. While preschools last for a few hours or a half-day, daycare services are usually available on a timeframe that is convenient for working parents. For example, daycares generally open in the early morning so that parents can drop off their children before heading on to work. After getting off work, parents pick their children up from daycare later in the afternoon or even in the early evening.
Also, preschools tend to observe holidays and close during the summer, similar to the traditional school schedule. Daycares operate on a much broader schedule, providing childcare throughout the year.
Teachers and Caregivers
All states have requirements stating that teachers at both preschools and daycares must have a minimum amount of experience. Because preschools are more geared towards laying down an educational foundation, their staff may have a wider breadth of experience.
Preschool or Daycare: Which Is the Right Choice?
Preschools and daycares each offer their own benefits, and only a family can decide what is best for their schedule and the needs of their child. One family may want to prepare their child for school while another family needs the flexibility that daycare offers.
However, if early educational instruction is what a family is looking for, then apreschool learning centeris the clear choice. The structured approach helps children adapt quickly to kindergarten, and the educational emphasis provides young learners with a solid foundation for their K-12 journey. By encouraging children in their interests, preschool teachers guide each child in fun activities that foster essential learning skills.
Writing, Kathleen McCartney, Ph.D., the dean of Harvard Graduate School of Education, notes, “There’s increasing evidence that children gain a lot from going to preschool. At preschool, they become exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes. And, more important, they learn how to socialize — get along with other children, share, contribute to circle time.”
The Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy Difference
Unlike many daycare centers or childcare providers, the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy methodology focuses on a whole-child approach. Teachers welcome diversity, and programs encourage each child’s individual strengths and interests. Guided by the expertise of the teaching team and a partnership with parents, Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk strives to strengthen and nurture the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of children.
For more information about the Circa FishHawk, FL preschool, visit the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk website The staff can be reached by phone at (813) 654-7000.
First Published on: Blog – Circa Fishhawk
At Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy, teachers use a curriculum that is supported by leading educational theories. Thepreschool learning center’s educational programs reflect the following four essential components: language development, physical development, cognitive development, and social and emotional development.
One of the programs used at the Valrico, FL, preschool is the Brain Waves® Curriculum, which is exclusive to Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy. Based on the work of some of the best early childhood education professionals in the industry, this curriculum is designed to strengthen the brain’s neural pathways and support language, social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development during these crucial years.
Brain Waves® establishes a rich learning environment that facilitates exploration through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. These sensory experiences send information directly to the brain and nurture healthy brain growth and future learning.
Combined with the guidance and dedication of committed teachers, the Brain Waves® Curriculum provides stimulating learning experiences that encourage brain development and maximize mental capacity.
In addition to the theories of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Sara Smilansky, the Brain Waves® Curriculum is influenced by the works of Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist best known for histheory of multiple intelligences.
Who Is Howard Gardner?
A graduate of Harvard, Howard Gardner had originally planned to pursue a legal career. However, when he was introduced to the works of Jean Piaget, a pioneering force in developmental psychology and education, Gardner was motivated to study psychology.
He says, “My mind was really opened when I went to Harvard College and had the opportunity to study under individuals—such as psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, sociologist David Riesman, and cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner—who were creating knowledge about human beings. That helped set me on the course of investigating human nature, particularly how human beings think.”
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner’s theory originated from his time spent working with normal children, gifted children, and adults who had experienced brain damage. His attempts to integrate his research and observations into a cohesive theory led him to publish a book entitledFrames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
The conventional line of thought was that people were born with a single intelligence, which could be measured through methods such as IQ tests and which could not be changed. In his book, Gardner contested this notion. He proposed that all humans are born with eight different intelligence modalities, which are shaped by both environmental and biological influences.
Gardner identified the following intelligence profiles:
Visual-spatial intelligence
Linguistic-verbal intelligence
Mathematical intelligence
Kinesthetic intelligence
Musical intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Naturalistic intelligence
Since the publication of his book in 1983, Howard Gardner has indicated that several other proposed intelligences — including spiritual intelligence, existential intelligence, and moral intelligence — could be worthy of debate, although he has not seen fit to revise his original list.
Multiple Intelligences and Educational Applications
Gardner’s theory is having a transformative impact within the field of education. He has written, “We are not all the same, we do not all have the same kinds of minds, and education works most effectively for most individuals if…human differences are taken seriously.”
Dr. Mindy L. Kornhaber, Associate Professor of Education at Penn State, suggests that educators find Gardner’s theory very validating. Teachers understand that students learn and think in diverse ways. Kornhaber says that the theory of multiple intelligences “provides educators with a conceptual framework for organizing and reflecting on curriculum assessment and pedagogical practices. In turn, this reflection has led many educators to develop new approaches that might better meet the needs of the range of learners in their classrooms.”
Unlike many daycare centers or childcare providers, the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy methodology focuses on a whole-child approach.Teachers celebrate the diversity of students, and programs are designed to nurture each child’s individual strengths and interests. Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk works to strengthen and encourage emotional, intellectual, social, and physical well-being through the expertise of the team of childcare providers and a unique partnership with parents.
For more information about the educational programs at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk, visit the website Contact the office by phone at (813) 654-7000.
First Published on: Blog – Circa Fishhawk
Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic as a family and as a community has proven to be a challenge. Navigating the journey through largely uncharted waters is easier now that more concrete information about COVID-19 is available. Parents can be more confident and reassuring in their conversations as they help their children deal more effectively with the situation and overcome their fears and anxiety.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy, aCirca FishHawk, FL preschool, offers the following tips to help parents walk with their children through this pandemic.
Tip #1: Calm is contagious.
Remain calm and reassuring. Children will react to both what is said and how it is said, and they will pick up cues from the conversations parents have with them and with others. Reassure children that they are safe. It is okay if they are anxious or upset. Parents can share with their children how they themselves deal with their own stress and fears. Children can learn how to cope by seeing their parents cope.
Tip #2: Talk to children about COVID-19.
What is known about COVID-19 has evolved significantly since a national emergency was declared in early March. Parents should take the opportunity to explain what is being learned about the virus. New words and terms have been introduced into the vocabulary. Explain in very simple language what these terms mean. Examples of these new words and terms are:
Social distancing
Flatten the curve
When children understand what words mean, they are less likely to be anxious or frustrated. The unknown can be frightening, even for adults.
Tip #3: Stick to normal routines as much as possible.
Schedule regular mealtimes and bedtimes because these are essential to a child’s physical and mental well-being. Daily routine makes for stability and confidence in the life of a child. Disruptions in routine can cause anxiety, stress, and confusion. Explain why the interruption to work, school, travel, entertainment, recreation, and eating out is necessary and beneficial to stay safe and healthy. Children want to know why they cannot go to their favorite restaurant, the park, or their grandparents’ house. Helping them to understand the reasons for these limitations or inconveniences will reduce fears, frustrations, and disappointments.
Tip #4: Encourage children to ask questions or express themselves about the changes in life and what they are hearing, seeing, and feeling.
Some questions children frequently ask about life in a pandemic include:
What is coronavirus or COVID-19?
Why does everybody have to stay at home?
Why can’t we go to the park today?
What can I do so I do not get sick?
Will I get sick?
What will happen to me if I get sick?
Is it okay to be scared?
How will I know I am sick?
Why are you wearing that mask?
When will everything get back to normal?
Tip #5: Ask children questions.
It is okay to help small children ask questions or express their feelings by asking them questions. One of the best ways to learn to ask questions is to be asked a question. Questions stimulate the brain and promote thoughtfulness. The questions in Tip #4 can serve as a helpful guide.
Tip #6: Pay attention to what children see or hear on television, radio, or online.
The CDC advises parents to consider reducing the amount of screen time focused on COVID-19. Too much information on one topic can lead to anxiety in a child.
Tip #7: Look for signs of anxiety and seek help if needed.
Parents know their children best. Changes in behavior and personality may be signals that a child is not coping with the changes brought on by COVID-19. Acting out, clinginess, withdrawal, loss of appetite, or listlessness may be signs that a child is not coping with the crisis.
Tip #8: Give positive progress reports on the pandemic.
Much has been learned about the virus, how to treat it, and how to avoid spreading germs. Things are returning to normal. Life is returning to some degree of normal, and the economy is opening. Pointing out positive progress will encourage young children who will begin to notice things on their own and point them out to others.
Tip #9: Hug first
One of the core values of the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy approach to learning is “Hug first, then teach.” This most cherished principle applies in the home, too! Hugs overpower fear, relieve stress, repair a broken relationship, and heal a hurting heart. Hug first, then hug again, and again, and again.
These simple tips help parents and children cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and be stronger, happier, and healthier. Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa/Fishhawk embraces a whole-child approach to learning that includes the physical health and mental well-being of the child. For more information about the programs at thepreschool learning center, visit the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa/Fishhawk website Contact the office by phone at (813) 654-7000.
First Published on: Blog – Circa Fishhawk
Recently, a new strain of the coronavirus has been in the news.Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) is an infectious illness caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease has made its way around the world since 2019, resulting in the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.
What Are the Symptoms?
Fever, a dry cough, and shortness of breath are the most common symptoms. Less common symptoms include muscle pain, mucus, and sore throat. Most cases result in mild symptoms; however, some cases do progress to pneumonia and more serious illness. The vast majority of COVID-19 related deaths are people over the age of 60 who have severe underlying health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, or respiratory issues.
Are Children at Risk?
Thankfully, children under the age of 19, and especially children under the age of 9 are not readily contracting the virus, or if they do contract the virus, the symptoms are relatively mild. Dr. Thomas Murray, MD, Ph.D., a Yale Medicine pediatric infectious disease specialist and associate medical director for infection prevention at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital, says, “For reasons that nobody fully understands, COVID-19 does not appear to cause severe disease in children.”
Take Safety Precautions for the Sake of Others
This resiliency to the disease among children does not mean they should not take precautions to avoid contracting the disease. On the contrary, they could get the illness and then pass it on to others who are more vulnerable such as grandparents who have underlying health issues. So, personal health hygiene is vitally important.
The management at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk understands these risks. They encourage parents to follow the following steps suggested by the CDC for personal health hygiene in the home and in public. Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy also is taking a very proactive approach to keeping the children, staff, and parents safe.
Steps to Prevent COVID-19 in the Home
Everyone is advised to protect themselves and others by taking steps such as are suggested here by the CDC. The CDC recommends that people:
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Practice social distancing when possible. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Seek medical attention should symptoms appear.
Self-quarantine. Stay home if sickness strikes or there has been exposure to COVID-19.
Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Or, use the inside of your elbow.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
These are the most basic steps that anyone can take to protect themselves and others from COVID-19. For more detailed information, visit the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk webpage aboutCOVID-19 awarenessand precautions.
Steps Taken by Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk to Prevent COVID-19
The response at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk to the COVID-19 pandemic has been comprehensive, reflecting their core commitment to cleanliness, hygiene, and health.
The safety and well-being of the children in their care, the children’s families, and the Academy staff are the highest priority at theeducational preschool. This genuine, compassionate attitude is the core of the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy mission and policies.
Their precautions conform to those of the World Health Organization, Public Health Departments, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Child Care Licensing, and state/local officials.
Steps to Prevent COVID-19 at Kids ‘R’ Kids Circa FishHawk
The proactive guidelines and practices include:
Screening of children and parents at facility entrances & transfer points:
Children in Suites 300 to After Care are using the Kiss & Go Lane. At the transfer point, all children arescreened for their temperature. Any child with a temperature higher than 100.4 degrees will not be allowed to attend the preschool that day. They can return when they are well.
Handwashing by parents and children prior to touching door handles and entering classrooms
Children and parents enrolled in Suites 100-250 are only permitted to enter the school after their temperature has been taken. Parents then wash their hands and their children’s hands before touching the door handles and entering the classroom. If parents wish to give their child to a staff person at entry, the staff will take them.
End-of-the-day exit plan to protect children and provide a smooth transition from facility to vehicle
At the conclusion of the day, families call ahead to inform the staff that they are outside to pick up their children. A staff member will deliver the child to their parent once the parent moves up in the car-line line.
Manual sign-in/sign-out to further protect against catching the virus
Kids ‘R’ Kids has put in place a manual sign-in/ sign-out system for children and staff. The fingerprint system has been temporarily disabled.
Staff screening prior to entering the facility and beginning the workday
Every staff member is screened before entering the building and reporting to work.
The enhancement programs are also suspended for the time being.
Limiting contact with the public
Tours for new families are suspended until further notice.
Limiting student contact within the school environment
All snacks and lunches are served inside the classrooms to avoid children being in contact with other students. The ‘family style’ dining has been suspended.
Outside playtime schedules have limits to the number of children out at any given time.
Accommodating the needs of Kids ‘R’ Kids families with school-age children
The school-age program is open to assist families that need these services.
Intensified daily and nightly cleaning and disinfecting of the entire facility
The nightly cleaning service and Mr. Juan have intensified their efforts to clean and disinfect the classrooms and facility.
Continuing academic activities online
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy is launching a virtual curriculum for children to use at home. It will be emailed to parents on Fridays for the upcoming week. These activities are a way for families to keep their children up with the Kids ‘R’ Kids curriculum, even if the children are at home.
Ongoing efforts to stay out in front
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy continues to take advice from Childcare Licensing, Kids ‘R’ Kids International, DCF, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning safety measures that ensure the health and safety of the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy children, families, and staff.
The challenges presented by COVID-19 are international in scope. Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk is pursuing prevention strategies in the best interest of all parties involved—children, parents and caregivers, and staff. Parents, children, and staff are encouraged to follow the recommendations provided on the Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy website and to share them with their friends and family.
There’s a lot for your child to absorb and process during a regular day atpreschool. From interactions with friends during playtime to grasping new STEAM concepts, and learning how to navigate time without your input as a parent – there’s always something new and different going on.
As a parent you want to equip your child to get the most out of their time at preschool while also helping them to process their emotions and learning effectively. There are six things that you can do to help them once you pick them up from school:
Have a snack ready in the car
Being a preschooler is busy work, and they might get into the car hungry after a morning of running around, playing, and learning. A healthy snack will help get their energy levels back up and can even prevent a meltdown as you stabilize their blood sugar.
Make space for some downtime after school
Children are sponges for new information and experiences, so there’s a good chance that when they get home from school that they’re overwhelmed by everything that they’ve learned. A preschool environment is also a busy place, so if your child is more introverted, they may need a bit of time to reset. Whether your child needs a nap after school, some time in their room to play or read quietly, or even just 20 minutes watching their favorite TV show, this can be an important way to help them recharge.
Spend some one-on-one time with them
Just as you’ve missed your child, they’ve missed you – even if they’re not able to articulate it. Making time to hang out without scheduled activities will help them feel connected to you and will mean that they’re less likely to act out because they want attention.
Ask about their day at preschool (and share about yours)
This teaches your child how to process their experiences and will let you know if there’s anything they’re worried about or looking forward to. It also helps keep you up-to-date with who they’re playing with and the type of activities they’re doing at school. If you’re struggling to get more than one-word answers out of your child, try sharing about your day so that they learn how to share information.
Take a walk and get some fresh air
Getting out into nature is excellent for cognitive development and to promote a sense of calm. It may not be possible to go for a hike, but a walk around the block or a stroll to your local playground is the next best thing. A quick outing will give your child a chance to work off some energy and is another excellent opportunity to find out more about how they’re doing.
Read a book before bedtime
Reading books is an integral part of the day at preschool and is usually done in a group context. Reading at home before bed reinforces the importance of reading time, while also giving your child undivided attention so they can discuss the book at its concepts with you. The added advantage, of course, is that you get in extra cuddle time as well as calming them down before they go to sleep.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawkbelieves in working with parents to bring out the best in each child. They focus on providing stimulating, well-rounded child care and early education for children from the age of six weeks through to four years. They also offer before and after school programs for children between five and twelve years of age.
First Published on: Blog – Circa Fishhawk
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy, a preschool in Circa FishHawk, FL, highlights a report from the CDC that offers evidence of the essential health benefits of proper handwashing.
How important is handwashing? Is it really a necessary life skill for young children? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presents evidence that handwashing is more than a “life skill.” Handwashing is a life-saving skill.
In the article entitled, “Show Me the Science—Why Wash Your Hands?”, the CDC demonstrates the importance of clean hands by highlighting the following statistics:
Washing hands with soap and water could reduce certain gastro-intestinal-associated deaths by up to 50%.
Researchers in London estimate that if everyone routinely washed their hands, a million deaths a year could be prevented.
A large percentage of foodborne disease outbreaks are spread by contaminated hands. Appropriate hand washing practices can reduce the risk of foodborne illness and other infections.
Handwashing can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by 16%.
The use of an alcohol gel hand sanitizer in the classroom provided an overall reduction in absenteeism due to infection by 19.8% among 16 elementary schools and 6,000 students. However, hand washing is more effective and safer than alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Often, people do not realize that 80% of all disease is spread by the hands. The hands are contaminated by touching doorknobs, cellphones, pets, pet food, contaminated food, soiled clothing, or diapers. The hands then transmit the germs and other pathogens to the eyes, nose, and mouth where the bacteria can breed and cause sickness. Sneezing and coughing spread germs to the surrounding environment. It is wise to wash hands after sneezing, coughing, or blowing the nose. Simple hand washing is an effective strategy to keep germs down and keep the living space clean and safe.
Five Steps from the CDC for Washing Hands the Right Way
Washing hands is easy, and it is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Clean hands can stop bacteria from spreading from one person to another and throughout an entire community—from the home and workplace to childcare facilities and hospitals.
When people wash their hands, they should follow these five steps every time.
Step#1:Wet hands with clean, warm running water, turn off the tap, and apply soap.
Step#2:Lather hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of the hands, between the fingers, and under the nails.
Step#3:Scrub hands for at least 20 seconds or the time it takes to hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
Step#4:Rinse hands well under clean, running water.
Step#5:Dry hands using a paper towel, a clean towel, or an air dryer.
Kids “R” Kids Learning Academy, aCirca FishHawk, FL preschool, takes great care in providing an environment where the child can thrive both in mind and body.Unlike many daycare centers or childcare providers, the mission at Kids “R” Kids Learning Academy in Circa FishHawk embraces “a whole child approach” that works to strengthen and encourage every child’s emotional, intellectual, social, and physical well-being through the expertise of our childcare providers and a unique partnership with parents. At theeducational preschool, it is important to provide opportunities for children to construct their own knowledge through exploration, interaction with materials, and imitation of positive role models. The team prides themselves on their innovative educational strategies that focus on the overall development of the child.
A pillar of the learning academy is the emphasis they put on a safe and secure environment. The cleanliness standards are an industry benchmark. The staff at the Kids “R” Kids Learning Academy takes pride in the clean, state-of-the-art facilities. The trained staff practices disease prevention techniques to protect the health and safety of all children in their care. Some of these practices include:
Disinfecting classrooms, equipment, and toys multiple times throughout the day.
Teaching and observing proper handwashing techniques.
Preparing all food away from the classrooms in a commercial-grade kitchen.
Wearing disposable gloves to prevent the spread of germs when preparing food and while attending to the sanitary needs of children.
Maintaining a separate laundry room at each school to avoid contamination of public areas and ensure proper storage of cleaning products.
Following cleanliness and sanitary standards from checklists for each room.
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Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy Circa FishHawk, aCirca FishHawk, FL preschool, prides itself in providing a unique combination of safe surroundings, loving interactions with the staff, and advanced curriculum founded upon play-based activities. The mission at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy is to provide a secure, nurturing, and educational environment for children to bloom. Where they learn how to be responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. Children at theeducational preschoolhave the opportunity to develop physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually by playing, exploring, and learning with others in a fun, safe, and healthy environment. Being family-owned and operated, Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy welcomes positive family involvement and encourages a parent-teacher approach where the needs of every child come first.
The motto “Hug First, Then Teach” defines every aspect of Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy. This “whole child approach” strengthens and encourages every child’s emotional, intellectual, social, and physical well-being. “Play-based activities” and “playing with a purpose” are the core pillars of Kids ‘R’ Kids approach to learning and teaching.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy inspires learning with a loving environment that nurtures inquisitive minds to prepare children for the age of innovation. TheFirst Class Curriculumis a comprehensive core curriculum designed to empower children to learn through playing with a purpose. Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy learning methods are research-based and standards-driven supported by the leading educational theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Sara Smilansky. An early pioneer in child development, Sarah Smilansky spent her entire life researching children at play. The conclusion of her life’s endeavor is summed up in the words “play is important.”
Who was Sara Smilansky?
Sara Smilansky (1922-2006) was a professor at Tel Aviv University in Israel and was also a visiting professor for many respected universities such as the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research focused on play training and its effects on children. She wrote much on children’s play and its relation to learning. She worked with Jean Piaget, a giant in the arena of developmental psychology in the twentieth century for her research on children and play.
The Four Types of Play
Smilansky focused her research on children’s play, how they learn through play, and how it relates to their future success. One of Smilansky’s main findings in her studies was that children engage in four types of play.
Functional play: This play begins at an early age in the development of a child. It includes activities that utilize muscles or sensorimotor. This type of play strengthens and refines motor skills and seems to satisfy a child’s need to be active and energetic.
Conditional play: This type of play involves sensorimotor activities that arouse creativity.
Games with rules: This play includes both table games and physical games. Play of this nature allows children to understand the idea of rules, accept the rules, and play by the rules.
Dramatic play: Children are beginning to understand their surroundings and imitate what they see.
Smilansky and her colleagues concluded that these types of play had positive effects on the future academic success of children.
Sociodramatic Play
Smilansky’s research also focused on sociodramatic play and its impact on children’s learning. It is part of the dramatic play where children engage in a social setting. There are two elements of Sociodramatic play: Imitative play and Imaginative play. Imitative play involves imitating what already exists and has been observed. Imaginative sociodramatic play is where the child creates what they imitate. Sociodramatic play improves speech patterns, verbal skills, vocabulary, overall communication, and interactive skills.
While sociodramatic play can be directed and purposeful, it’s also free, unfettered, innovative, exciting, creative, and spontaneous. It is in this unencumbered environment that sociodramatic play – which to a greater or lesser extent involves the other three types of play – meets its maximum potential and has its greatest impact.
First Published on: Blog – Circa Fishhawk
A Preschool Learning Center in Circa highlights seven benefits art offers for child development.
A foundational principle at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy is “Hug First, Then Teach.” Unlike many daycare centers or childcare providers, this methodology is a whole-child approach that works to strengthen and encourage every child’s emotional, intellectual, social, and physical well-being. The whole-child approach is present in all the curriculum at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy, including STEAM studies.
Most people are familiar with STEM, which stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. However, there is also a hybrid movement that is gaining more and more traction:STEAM. STEAM is an abbreviation for science, technology, engineering,arts, and math. The STEAM movement works towards more effectively sparking the imagination of the student. As a result, the movement is helping shift children’s focus towards innovation through hands-on STEM projects.
The main difference between STEM and STEAM is that STEM encompasses a modern approach to science and related subjects. STEM concentrates on problem-solving with critical thinking and analytical skills. STEAM education explores the same topics but incorporates creative thinking and applied arts into teaching and real situations. This brilliant addition enriches educational pursuits.
Art involves discovering and creating interesting and ingenious ways of problem-solving, integrating principles, and presenting information. By adding the element of art to STEM-based thinking, children and students can employ both sides of their brain —analytical and creative— to become the best thinkers of the future. The STEAM paradigm shapes young minds to be problem solvers with a creative, innovative flair.
Moving from STEM to STEAM
Some critics are concerned that studying the arts would take time away from focusing on traditional STEM subjects. It is true that mastery of STEM concepts is necessary for technological progress. However, the inclusion of the “A” for arts is essential for students to achieve their full potential. Studying the arts provides students with the freedom and opportunity to fully harness the capabilities of STEM subjects.
The arts is a term that encompasses the liberal arts, language arts (reading, writing, and speaking), social studies, physical arts, fine arts, and music. STEAM education focuses on applying creative thinking to STEM projects in order to ignite youthful imagination and creativity through the arts. The approach seeks to explore how art elevates and amplifies the STEM subjects. Studying art subjects strengthens the development of essential skills like collaboration, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Art also improves a student’s flexibility, adaptability, productivity, responsibility, and innovation. These skills are essential for a successful career in any field of study and for life in general.
Science and art go hand-in-hand
At first glance, it seems that scientists and artists have little in common. If people dig a little deeper, they soon realize that art and science are not so different. While science has changed the creative fields through advanced technology, artists offer new insights and perspectives that impact scientific progress. Art’s contribution to technological advancement is all too often overlooked or ignored. With technology becoming faster, smaller, and more complex, the scientific field has started to rely on the arts more than ever for solutions and creative ideas.
As the STEAM paradigm is adopted in classrooms and other learning environments, new teaching methods have emerged. Teachers can add arts into STEM by applying graphics to projects, or they can use the performing arts to communicate a STEM project. The possibilities are vast. By encouraging students to use their artistic talents to generate innovative thinking, teachers allow art to become a powerful catalyst that excites learning.
About Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk
Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy is aCirca FishHawk, FL preschoolthat is widely recognized for its positive use of concepts and innovative projects, activities, and toys that grow the child along many dimensions. Children are exposed to hands-on learning, and they are challenged and encouraged to think critically and creatively. They have the freedom to apply essential content knowledge in meaningful and fun ways.For more information about theeducational preschool, contact Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Circa FishHawk at (813) 654-7000